Hygiene sign for kitchens and other areas. Help to prevent slips and other hazardous incidents. 120mm x 120mm Self adhesive vinyl
Identifies location of CO2 fire extinguishers 100mm x 100mm - self adhesive vinyl
Please do not enter if you are feeling unwell or showing any symptoms of coronavirus sign. Help to prevent the virus from spreading 120mm x 120mm self adhesive vinyl
Perfect for putting on doors of storage cupboards where cleaning items are kept. Warns of potential hazards 120mm x 120mm self adhesive vinyl
Warns of potential high voltage electrical hazards 100mm x 140mm - self adhesive vinyl
Warns of potential electrical hazards 100mm x 140mm self adhesive vinyl
Warns of potential electrical hazards 100mm x 140mm self adhesive vinyl
Warns of potential electrical hazards 100mm x 140mm self adhesive vinyl
Identifies a hazardous asbestos area. Any accidental damage should be reported immediately 200mm x 150mm - self adhesive vinyl
Warns of potential hazards and that no entry is allowed without obtaining a permit 200mm x 150mm - self adhesive vinyl
Identifies hazardous asbestos areas 200mm x 150mm - self adhesive vinyl
Inform of site dangers and that entry is prohibited 200mm x 150mm self adhesive vinyl
Clearly marks a dangerous explosive area 150mm x 200mm - self adhesive vinyl
Warns of a potential drowning hazard. Used to ensure life is not endangered around deep water 150mm x 200mm - self adhesive vinyl
Size: 200mm x 300mm - Sturdy yellow corex - Free cable tie per sign - Ideal for fixing to fences or posts
To warn of an electrical hazard 120mm x 120mm self adhesive vinyl
Warns of electrical hazards in and around the premises 100mm x 140mm self adhesive vinyl
Warns of electrical dangers on the premises and not to enter if unauthorised 200mm x 150mm self adhesive vinyl
To warn of an electrical hazard 120mm x 120mm self adhesive vinyl
Warns of potential electrical hazards 150mm x 200mm - self adhesive vinyl
Warns of potential electrical hazards 100mm x 140mm self adhesive vinyl
To warn of an electrical hazard 120mm x 120mm self adhesive vinyl
Warns of potentially fatal electrical hazards 150mm x 200mm - self adhesive vinyl
Size: 200mm x 300mm - Sturdy yellow corex - Free cable tie per sign - Ideal for fixing to fences or posts
Warn of the toxic hazards that are present on your premises 120mm x 120mm self adhesive vinyl